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Social Media Service 12
Online Design, Development & Marketing

Tired of paying all those random listing fees?
Yelp- $200/ year
City Search - $300/ year
YP - $500/ year
Getting Listed is not cheap when you add them all up. Be wise and go to the place where all search engines update ~ This is a little-known secret in this business, and we can offer it to you. We can list your company, including multiple locations for a fraction of the cost to list them individually.
Search engines update monthly from the same place. When you are listed here, you are listed everywhere. Let us take the guesswork out of search engine listings. We will get you started right the first time.
SEO, a.k.a. Search Engine Optimization is a standard in this business and is not to be taken lightly. Social Media Service12 started in commercial SEO work and knows it all too well. Researching the right keywords, and placing them strategically within the site is what produces those big increases in targetted traffic, no matter what business niche you are in.
We at SMS12 operate in whole site SEO, meaning that we don't stop on the first page, we place your unique keywords on every page, through your site, as well as a few other places that are some of our trade secrets. Only by working with us will you be able to realize the effects of professional SEO work, and reap the benefits in your own business.
The Rolling Blog is a unique product, only available from Social Media Service12. It is a Word Press blog, that will post YouTube videos as often as once every hour automatically, so you won't have to pay someone a small fortune to do it for you.
Why is this important? All these current, and relevant postings to your site will increase your traffic exponentially, and drive subscribers to it as little else can.
If you need emails and more organic traffic, this is the tool for you.
What is marketing without email campaigns? You cannot develop a following without reaching out to your clients. Gathering emails, placing your business in front of them, and then making it easy for them to do business with you is what a successful online business is all about.
Social Media Service12 can get the emails, build your campaign, and then keep it moving so that you will never be short of new customers, or fresh business month after month. Get your online business set up properly, and making a profit ASAP with the right team behind you.
Part of what we do includes designing and developing print media for your business campaigns. Brochures, flyers, business cards, and invoices are all par for the course when running a business.
We develop in-house and use national printing services that save an average of 25-30% over most other commercial printers. Save time; Save Money; and keep your business in the family.
CLICK HERE to see a sample of a recent brochure custom made for one of our clients- or CLICK HERE to see an invoice, or HERE to see a contract.
Part of the charm about running a business is telling your 'story'. Everyone has one, telling yours is what sets you apart, and makes you unique to your industry.
Presenting your story can be done in many ways; through Print, Images, Videos, and Music. Whatever mediums you chose to use, integrating it with your website is what makes you and your business so special.
Perfect your business, and create your brand. Make it your own with Galleries ~ Let Social Media Service12 pull it all together for you.